Emergency line: 480-848-5240
Equine Urgent Care Critical Emergency Advice:
1. Extreme Blood Loss:
Apply pressure to the wound. Bandage if possible. Leave the original bandage on and add layers. Do NOT remove the original bandage. Keep the horse calm and stationary. Food and water is okay. No medications until approved by a doctor.
2. Extreme Pain Colic:
Keep the horse walking- if the horse is laying down and thrashing/rolling, then force the horse up. If the horse is laying down quietly, let them. No medications until approved by a doctor.
3. Choke:
Keep the horse calm. Massage the neck and/or throat area. Do not place a hose in the mouth. No medications until approved by a doctor.
4. Snake Bite:
Keep the horse calm and get to a safe area. Do not bother killing the snake. No medications until approved by a doctor.
5. Broken Leg:
Do not move the horse. If you are splinting, do the joint above and the joint below. Bring food and water to the horse as well as shade if necessary. No medications until approved by a doctor.